Coral Way & First Avenue Islands of the Shoals
There are two outcrops at this site, one along Coral Way, which is a highly weathered road cut, approximately 1 meter high, and two 2 meter high larger outcrops below the Metro Mover rail system.

The panoramic photo above is the roadcut which parallels Coral Way. Note the large clasts in this conglomerate on the upper left of the outcrop, and the cross-bedding on the right, with a distinct rubble zone separating the two. These clasts, some very angular, came from eroding sea cliffs. According to Halley and Evans (1983) this outcrop is indicative of a shoreline, with the presence of islands in the area.
On the outcrops below the Metro Mover numerous bivalves and corals were observed, as well as coarse shell lag deposits.