Minor in Geographic Information Science

Students minoring in Geographic Information Science will complete a minimum of 15 credits with a grade of "C" or better in each course. Of the 15 credits, a minimum of 12 must be earned at FAU. Note: Courses used to fulfill requirements for a major may not be used for the minor. Required courses are:

 Required Courses

 Introduction to Mapping and GIS

 GIS 3015C


 Principles of GIS

 GIS 4043C


 Choose 9 credits from the list below:

 Spatial Data Analysis

 GEO 4167C


 Photogrammetry and Aerial Photograph   Interpretation

 GIS 4021C


 Remote Sensing of the Environment

 GIS 4035C


 Digital Image Analysis

 GIS 4037C


 Applications in GIS

 GIS 4048C


 Programming in GIS

 GIS 4102C


 Geovisualization and GIS

 GIS 4138C
