Dr. Erik Johanson         

Dr. Erik Johanson

Associate Professor
Department of Geosciences
E-mail: ejohanson@fau.edu  

Phone: 561-297-4153
Office: SE-473

Google Scholar Page



Ph.D. University of Tennessee, Geography (2016)
M.A. University of Tennessee, Anthropology (2011)
B.A. University of Tennessee, Anthropology (2008)

Environmental Change Lab - website






Dr. Johanson studies environmental change and human-environment interaction across the recent past and into modern times. His interests center around how people shape their environments and manage climate stress in the tropics often by examining environmental proxies in sedimentary archives such as isotopes, pollen, charcoal, diatoms, and microplastics. To develop baselines for ecological management or predict likely future environmental conditions, many of his studies look to the past to inform the present. Research topics include reconstructing fire histories and the historical ecology of the tropics, identifying the timing and pathways for the dissemination of key agricultural domesticates, examining strategies of resilience and societal response to mega droughts and environmental change over time, identifying the environmental impacts of microplastics, the development of paleoclimate records, and the impact and modeling of future environmental change. Dr. Johanson's Environmental Change Laboratory often collects and analyzes sediment cores from lakes and wetlands in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Florida.



Select Publications (* indicates advisee)


     2024     Kathryn Swick*, Erik N. Johanson, and Xavier Comas. A multiproxy analysis of modern environmental change within a cypress swamp forest, Collier County, FL. Discover Environment 2, 39. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s44274-024-00065-x.


     2024     Taber Friedel*, Erik N. Johanson, and Sally P. Horn. Post-Conquest Vegetation and Fire Dynamics at Laguna Carse, Costa Rica: A Pollen and Microscopic Charcoal Record. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00334-023-00981-7.


     2023     Andrés Garzón-Oechsle*, Erik N. Johanson, and Valentina Martinez. The Bola de Oro Manteños and Their Resilience to Climate Change: chronological reconstruction of agricultural modifications through age-depth modelling and carbon abundance analysis. STRATA, Vol. 1 (2), 1–31. Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural - Ecuador. DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10246526.


     2023     Madeleine Bitting*, Erik N. Johanson, Kurt Haberyan, and Sally P. Horn. Response of Diatom Communities to Climate and Human Disturbance: A 4200-year record from Costa Rica. The Holocene, 33(12), 1–13, DOI https://doi.org/10.1177/09596836231197775.


     2023     Sally P. Horn, Erik N. Johanson, Mauricio Murillo-Herrera, Kurt A. Haberyan, Taber Friedel* and Chad S. Lane. Initial Limnological Observations at Laguna Pozo Verde, Juan Castro Blanco National Park, Costa Rica. UNED Research Journal, Vol. 15(2), 1–6, DOI https://doi.org/10.22458/urj.v15i2.4835.


     2022     Yanuskiewicz, Elizabeth, Chad S. Lane, Sally P. Horn, Erik N. Johanson, Douglas W. Gamble. Compound-Specific Stable Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Analyses of Late-Holocene Vegetation and Precipitation Change at Laguna Los Mangos, Costa Rica. Quaternary International, 1–11, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.08.018.


     2020     Johanson, Erik N., Sally P. Horn, Chad S. Lane, Maureen Sánchez, Jacob Cecil.  Fire History Across the Little Ice Age in Southern Pacific Costa Rica. Journal of Paleolimnology, 1–23, DOI 10.1007/s10933-020-00118-0.


     2019     Johanson, Erik N., Sally P. Horn, Chad S. Lane.  Pre-Columbian agriculture, fire, and Spanish contact: A 4200-year record from Laguna Los Mangos, Costa Rica. The Holocene, 1–15, DOI:10.1177/0959683619862032.


     2018     Horn, Sally P., Erik N. Johanson, Kurt A. Haberyan, Matthew S. Boehm, Jessie L. Johanson, Maureen Sánchez P., and Mario Hernández V.  Initial limnological observations at five small lakes in southern Pacific Costa Rica. UNED Research Journal, Vol. 10(1): 119-134. 





Teaching (Undergraduate)

MET 2010: Weather, Climate, and Climate Change
EVR 4112: Hazards, Climate, and People (Academic Service Learning component)
GEO 4915/4916: Directed Independent Research in Geosciences
GEO 4915: Directed Independent Study


Teaching (Graduate)

EVR 6931: Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction
EVR 6417: Paleoenvironments and People

Pollen in the Neotropics (Directed Independent Study)
Paleolandscapes in the Neotropics (Directed Independent Study)
Fire in the Neotropics (Directed Independent Study)
Past Human-Environment Interaction in Florida (Directed Independent Study)
Past Climate in the Tropics (Directed Independent Study)



Select Media Coverage

Climate Change television interview (Channel 10, South Florida), https://www.local10.com/news/local/2021/09/06/florida-continues-to-break-heat-records/ 

Hurricane Preparedness article (FAU University Press), https://www.upressonline.com/2021/09/university-professors-discuss-hurricane-preparedness/?return

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