Dr. Maria Fadiman   

Dr. Maria Fadiman

Department of Geosciences
E-mail: mfadiman@fau.edu 

Phone: 561-297-3314
Office: SE-454

Personal Web

Google Scholar


Ph.D. in Geography (University of Texas at Austin) 2003  
MA in Latin American Studies (Tulane University) 1998   
BA in Latin American Studies (Vassar College) 1991 

Research Interests: 

Latin America
World Cultures and Environments
Environmental Issues 
Rain Forest Ecosystems


Rain Forest Ecosystems
GEA 4410-Latin America Culture 
GEO 6337- Culture, Conservation, and Land Use
GEO 6317-Plants and People
GEO-6938-Food: Culture and Environment

Recent Publication

Fadiman, M. 2011 Sustainable Development in the Galápagos: The Role of Coffee Production on San Cristobal Island.Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 34:102-111

Cordoba, H., Ivy, R. and Fadiman, M. 2011. Cultural and spatial perceptions of Miami’s Little Havana. The Florida Geographer 42: 4-33. 

Fadiman, M. 2010. Cultural Connect with Local Megafauna: Maori and the Kauri. The Florida Geographer 41:4-21.

Fadiman, M. 2010. How Cultural Awareness and Ingenuity Benefits Forest Stewardship Council Certification in the Developing World: Case Study in Zimbabwe, Africa. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 33:75-84.

Fadiman, M. 2009. Amazonian Oil Exploration: Contradictions of Culture and Environment. FOCUS on Geography 52 (1): 1-10.

Fadiman, M. 2009. Wild Food Plants: Balancing Conservation and Utilization. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 32: 291-298.

Lakhan, S., Root, T. and Fadiman, M. 2009. Clean Water Accessibility in Northern Trinidad: Location, Collection, Storage and Socioeconomics. The Florida Geographer 40: 48-61.

Fadiman, M. 2008. Use of Mocora, Astrocaryum standleyanum (Arecaceae), by three ethnic groups ins Ecuador: differences, similarities and market potential. Journal of Ethnobiology Volume 28(1) 92-109.

Fadiman, M. 2008. “Starvation Taught me Art”: Tree Poaching, Gender and Cultural Shifts in Wood Curio Carving in Zimbabwe. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 6: 335-346.

Fadiman, M. 2008. Resource Stewardship: Rain Forest Use among Three Ethnic Groups of Ecuador. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 31: 310-318.

Fadiman, M. 2008. Natural Resource Use and Cultural Change: Nipa Hut Shingle Processing with Nypa fruticans, Arecaceae, in Palawan, Philippines. The Florida Geographer
39: 20-35

Fadiman, M. 2007. Exploring Conservation: Piguigua, Heteropsis ecuadorensis, In Ecuador. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences. 30: 427-436.

Fadiman, M. 2005. Cultivated Food Plants: Culture and Gendered Spaces of Colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography Volume 4, No.1: 43-57.

Fadiman, M. 2004. Management, Cultivation, and Domestication of Weaving Plants: Heteropsis and Astrocaryum in the Ecuadorian Rain Forest. The California Geographer 44:1-19.

Fadiman, M. 2001. Hat weaving with Jipi, Carludovica palmata, (Cyclanthaceae) in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The Journal of Economic Botany 55(4):539-544.

Kevin Cresswell, Diana Mitsova, Weibo Liu, Maria Fadiman, Tobin Hindle. 2023. Urban Heat Island Vulnerability in Southeast Florida: Integrating Physical Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity Indicators. International Journal of Geo-Information. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2023, 12(6), 242; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi12060242

Cresswell, K. Mitsova, D., Fadiman, M., Hindle, T. and Liu, W. 2023. Urban heat island vulnerability in Southeast Florida: Integrating physical exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity indicators Annals of GIS (Under Review)

Nithula, N, L.M.Pragasan, M. Fadiman. 2022. 'Pulirasam'- a postpartum spice soup consumed by the Muthuvan indigenous community of Kerala, India Journal of Ethnic Foods (Under Review)

Fadiman, M. 2022. What role does language play in conserving Forests and Culture? Multi-lingual Ethnobotanical booklets in the African Savanna. In G. Niedt (ed.) New Directions in Linguistic Geography: Exploring Articulations of Space. Palgrave Macmillan, Camden, England. (pp 23-37).

Kunwar, R., M. Fadiman, S. Thapa, R. P. Acharya, M. Cameron, R. W. Bussmann. 2019. Plant Use Values and Phytosociological Indicators: Implications for Conservation in Kailash Sacred Landscape Nepal. Ecological Indicators https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105679

Robles, D. Cevallos, O. Gaoue, M. Fadiman, T. Hindle 2019. Non-Random Medicinal Plants Selection in the Kichwa Community in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Journal of Ethnopharmacology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2019.112220

Kunwar, R., M. Fadiman, T. Hindle, M. Suwal, Y. Adhikari, R. Bussmann 2019. Composition of Forests and Vegetation in Kailash Sacred Landscape Nepal. Journal of Forestry Research, 1-11 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11676-019-00987-w

Fadiman, M. 2019. Can the Use of a Specific Species Influence Habitat Conservation? Case Study of the Palm Iriartea Deltoidea in Northwestern Ecuador. Journal of Latin American Geography (18 (1), 115-140).

Fadiman M. 2018. “Are you making a million dollars? Reciprocity as Cultural and Environmental Reconnection” In D. Herman (ed.) pp. 169-186.Giving Back: Research and Reciprocity in Indigenous Contexts Oregon State University Press, Corvallis.

Fadiman, M, M.B.Thomas, O. Morei, A. Hillman-Kitalong, S. Hanser 2018. Globalization and tradition in Palau: Case study of the syncretic First Child Birth (Ngasech and Omengat) ceremonies. The Florida Geographer 50: 1-30.

Kunwar, R. M. Fadiman, M. Cameron, R. Bussmann, K. B. Thapa-Magar, B. Rimal, P. Sapkota 2018. Cross-cultural Comparison of Plant Use Knowledge in Baitadi and Darchula Districts, Kailash Sacred Landscape, Nepal. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2018:14(40) doi: 10.1186/s13002-018-0242-7

Fadiman, M. 2016. Environmental Justice and the Lawn: Urban Parks in Shanghai, China. Florida Geographer 47:1-21

Fadiman, M. 2014. Ecosystem Excitement: Using Everyday Items, Projects, Field Trips and Exotic Images to Connected Students to Plants. In C. Quave (ed.) pp.261-276. Innovative Strategies for Teaching in the Plant Sciences, Springer: New York.

Fadiman, M. 2013. Basketry, Conservation and Marketing of Piquigua, Heteropsis ecuadorensis, (Araceae) in an Afro-Ecuadorian Community. pp 175-194 In R. Voeks and J.Rashford (eds) African Ethnobotany in the Americas, Springer: New York.


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