Dr. T Briggs         

Tiffany Roberts Briggs

Chair & Associate Professor in Geosciences

Associate Professor
Department of Geosciences
E-mail: briggst@fau.edu  

Phone: 561-297-4669
Office: SE-470

Coastal Studies Lab

Google Scholar


Ph.D. in Geology (University of South Florida) 2012   
M.S. in Geology (University of South Florida) 2008      
B.S. in Environmental Science (Honors College, University of South Florida) 2006 

Research Interests: 

Coastal geomorphology, geology, and sedimentology; with emphasis on the beach, dune, and nearshore environments.  
Primary research interest is beach morphology change/evolution in response to natural (e.g., storm impact/recovery) and anthropogenic (e.g., coastal engineering) events.  Additional research interests include microplastics in coastal sediments, environmental characterization of the beach-nearshore as habitat, and improving coastal resiliency through understanding multi-scale coastal dynamics.    



Physical Geology / Evolution of the Earth (GLY 2010)
Coastal and Marine Science (GLY 3730)
Directed Independent Research (GLY/GEO 4915/4916)
Shore Erosion & Protection (GLY 5575)
Beach Morphodynamics of Southeast Florida (GLY 6708)
Coastal Environments (GLY 6737)
Coastal Hazards (GLY 6888)
Directed Independent Study - Graduate/Undergraduate (GLY 6908/4905)


Publications & Proceedings

Palaparthi, J.†, Briggs, T.R., and Hauptman, L.†, 2025. Variability of beach sediment and sea turtle nesting, hatching, and emergence patterns during the 2019 nesting season in Northern Palm Beach County, Florida, USA. Journal of Coastal Research 41(2), 199-213.

McCormick, W.M.†, Briggs, T.R., Hauptman, L.†, and Wang, P., 2025. Morphologic and sedimentological signatures resulting from Hurricane Ian, southwest Florida, USA: Insight into intra-storm bidirectional sediment transport processes. Geomorphology 471, 109563.

Hauptman, L.†, Briggs, T.R., and Mitsova, D., 2024. Integrating Hurricane Ian-induced morphology change and GIS-based channelization modeling for barrier island vulnerability. Shore & Beach 92(4), 4-15.

Mitsova, D., Li, Y., Einsteder, R., Briggs, T.R., Sapat, A., and Esnard, A.-M., 2024. Using nighttime light data to exploe the extent of power outages in the Florida Panhandle after 2018 Hurricane Michael. Remote Sensing, 16, 2588.

Hauptman, L.†, Mitsova, D., and Briggs, T.R., 2024. Hurricane Ian damage assessment using aerial imagery and LiDAR: A case study of Estero Island, Florida. Journal of Marine Science & Engineering, 12, 668.

Palaparthi, J. and Briggs, T.R., 2024. Regional Sediment Management in US coastal states: Historical trends and future predictions. Journal of Marine Science & Engineering, 12, 528.

Duenkel, T.* and Briggs, T.R., 2024. Inlet-adjacent beach and shoreline variability at decadal scales. Shore & Beach, 92(2), 7p.

Doran, D., Briggs, T.R., Elko, N., 2023. Commemorating 100 years of beach nourishment on Coney Island, New York. Shore & Beach 91(3), 32-35.

Palaparthi, J.† and Briggs, T.R., 2023. Influences on national beach nourishment trends. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2023 International Conference, 160-168.

Hauptman, L.† and Briggs, T.R., 2023. Geomorphology and sedimentology influences on sea turtle habitat. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2023 International Conference, 204-217.

Brown, N. and Briggs, T.R., 2023. Environmental and ecosystem response to dredge and placement. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2023 International Conference, 2847-2861.

Hauptman, L.†, Palaparthi, J.†, and Briggs, T.R., 2022. Beach morphology and sedimentology in northern Palm Beach County, Florida, USA: A brief update. William Morris Davis Journal of Geomorphology, 1-15.

Elko, N., Briggs, T.R., Marsooli, R., Barrineau, P., Hapke, C., McKenna, K., Simm, J., Beyeler, M., Smith, M., and Troy, C., 2022. US Community Perspectives on Coastal Flooding. Shore & Beach 90(3), 17-29.

Brown, N.† and Briggs, T.R., 2022. Distribution and dynamics of U.S. continental shelf ridge sediment and morphology: A brief review. Shore & Beach 90(3), 59-67.

Palaparthi, J.†, Briggs, T.R., Kali, P.K., and Comas, X., 2022. Evaluating offshore sediment resources for non-traditional coastal restoration projects. Ocean and Coastal Management 220, 106074.

Hannides, A., Elko, N., Briggs, T.R., Kim, S.C., Mercer, A., Park, K., Rosov, B., Searcy, R., and Walther, M., 2021. U.S. beach water quality monitoring. Shore & Beach 89(3), 26-35..

Briggs, T.R., Brown, N.†, Priddy, M.†, 2021. Subaerial beach morphology change from multiple storms during the 2020 hurricane season. Shore & Beach 89(2), 65-74.

Elko, N., Briggs, T.R., Benedet, L., Robertson, W., Thomson, G., Webb, B.M., Garvey, K., 2021. A century of beach nourishment. Ocean and Coastal Management 199, 105406.

Elko, N. and Briggs, T.R., 2020National coastal management challenges and needs. Shore & Beach, 88(4), 34-43.

Elko, N., McKenna, K., Briggs, T.R., Brown, N.†, Walther, M., and York, D., 2020. Existing conservation measures and recommended Best Management Practices for coastal inlets. Shore & Beach, 88(3), 75-83.

Brown, N.C.† and Briggs, T.R., 2020. Sedimentology of beaches in northern Palm Beach County, Florida, USA. William Morris Davis Journal of Geomorphology, 1, 29-46.

Briggs, T.R., Figlus. J., Torres-Freyermuth, A., Puleo, J.A., Warren, W., and Alrushaid, T., 2020Variability in onshore sediment transport on a natural beach during a Central American cold surge event. Journal of Coastal Research, 36(3), 487-497.

Davis, J., Mitsova, D., Briggs, T.C.†, and Briggs, T.R., 2019. Post-hurricane Michael damage assessment using ADCIRC storm surge hindcast, image classification, and LiDAR. Shore & Beach: Dedicated Issue on the 2017 & 2018 Hurricane Seasons, 87(4), 3-14.

Briggs, T.R. and Gammack-Clark, J., 2019. Event-driven beach morphology change in Southeast Florida evaluated with traditional and UAS surveys. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Coastal Sediments 2019, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 420-433.

Elko, N., Marsooli, R., Renaud, A., and  Briggs, T.R., 2018. Training the next generation of US coastal scientists and engineers. Shore & Beach 86(4), p. 60-64.

Torres-Freyermuth, A., Puleo, J.A., DiCosmo, N., Allende-Arandia, M.E., Chardon-Maldonado, P., Lopez, J., Figueroa-Espinoza, B., Ruiz de Alegria-Arzaburu, A., Figlus, J.,  Briggs, T.M.R., de la Roza, J., and Candela, J., 2017. Nearshore Circulation on a Sea Breeze Dominated Beach During Intense Wind Events. Continental Shelf Research 151, 40-52.

Bladow, R.†, and  Briggs, T.M.R., 2017. Natural and Human Influences on Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nesting, Hatching, and Emergence Success. Shore & Beach: Dedicated Issue on Coastal Engineering and Research in Florida, 85(3), p. 3-11.

Shahan, T.† and  Briggs, T.M.R., 2017. Morphologic Evolution of a Small Nourishment Project in Boca Raton, Florida, USA. Shore & Beach: Dedicated Issue on Coastal Engineering and Research in Florida, 85(3), p. 37-46.

Cisneros, J.A.†,  Briggs, T.R., and Martin, K., 2017. Placed Sediment Characteristics Compared to Sea Turtle Nesting and Hatching Patterns, Case Study from Palm Beach County, FL. Shore & Beach 85(2), p. 35-40.

Willson, K., Thomson, G.,  Briggs, T.R., Elko, N., and Miller, J., 2017. Beach nourishment profile equilibration: What to expect after the sand is placed on a beach. Shore & Beach 85(2), p. 49-51.

Rosov, B., Bush, S.,  Briggs, T.R., and Elko, N., 2016. The State of Understanding the Impacts of Beach Nourishment Activities on Infaunal Communities. Shore & Beach 84(3), p. 51-55.

Briggs, T.R., and Elko, N., 2016. Natural and Human-Induced Dynamics on Big Hickory Island, Florida. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 4(1),14;DOI:10.3390/jmse4010014.

Wang, P. and Briggs, T.R., 2015. Storm-Induced Morphology Changes along Barrier Islands and Post Storm Recovery. In: Ellis J. and Sherman, D. (Eds.), Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks and Disasters. Elsevier, MA, 563 p.

Roberts, T.M., Wang, P., and Puleo, J., 2013. Storm-Driven Cyclic Beach Morphodynamics of a Mixed Sand and Gravel Beach along the Mid-Atlantic Coast, USA. Marine Geology 346, 403-421.

Wang, P., and Roberts, T.M., 2013. Distribution of Surficial and Buried Oil Contaminants Across Sandy Beaches Along Northwest Florida and Alabama Coasts Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010. Journal of Coastal Research, 29(6), 144-155. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Roberts, T.M. and Wang, P., 2012. Four Year Performance and Associated Controlling Factors of Several Beach Nourishment Projects along Three Adjacent Barrier Islands in West-Central Florida, USA. Coastal Engineering 70, 29-39.

Roberts, T.M., Rosati, J.D., and Wang, P. (eds.) 2011. Proceedings, Symposium to Honor Dr. Nicholas C. Kraus, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 59. West Palm Beach (Florida), 290 p., ISSN 0749-0208.

Wang, P., Rosati, J.D., and  Roberts, T.M. (eds). 2011. Proceedings, Coastal Sediments 2011 International Conference, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 2639 p.

Wang, P., Beck, T.M., and  Roberts, T.M., 2011. Modeling regional-scale sediment transport and medium-term morphology change at a dual inlet system examined with the Coastal Modeling System (CMS): A case study at Johns Pass and Blind Pass, west-central Florida. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 59, 49-60.

Roberts, T.Mand Wang, P., 2011. Profile Change and Post-Storm Recovery of Delaware Beaches Resulting from Three Consecutive Storms in 2009. Proceedings, Coastal Sediments 2011 International Conference, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 1304-1317.

Wang, P.,  Roberts, T.M., Dabees, M., and Horwitz, M.H., 2011. Beach Changes Associated with Active 2009-2010 El Nino Winter Along the West-Central Florida Barrier Islands. Proceedings, Coastal Sediments 2011 International Conference, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 1229-1242.

Horwitz, M.H., and Roberts, T.M., 2010. Eogenetic Coastal Karst of San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia, 55(1), 17 – 27.

Roberts, T.M., Wang, P., and Kraus, N.C., 2010. Limits of Wave Runup and Corresponding Beach-Profile Change from Large-Scale Laboratory Data. Journal of Coastal Research 26(1), 184-198.

Roberts, T.M., Wang, P., and Elko, N.A., 2009.  Physical Performance of Several Beach Nourishment Projects Along a Microtidal Low-Energy Coast, West-Central Florida USA. Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics ’09, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo, Japan, paper #74.

Wang, P., Elko, N.A., and  Roberts, T.M., 2009.  Equilibration and Longshore Spreading Associated with Beach Nourishment: A Case Study along West-Central Florida Coast. Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics ’09, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo, Japan, paper #73.

Wang, P.,  Roberts, T.M., Elko, N.A., and Beck, T.M., 2009.  Factors Controlling the First Year Performance of Eight Adjacent Beach Nourishment Projects, West-Central Florida, USA.  Proceedings of the 31st International Conference: Coastal Engineering 2008, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. 2532-2544.

Roberts, T.M. and Wang, P., 2007. Limits of Beach and Dune Erosion in Response to Wave Runup Elucidated from SUPERTANK. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments ‘07, American Society of Civil Engineers, New Orleans, LA, 1961-1974.

†graduate student; *undergraduate student




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