Howard Hanson, Ph.D.
Professor, Geosciences
Scientific Director, Center for Ocean Energy Technology,
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Email hphanson@fau.edu
Phone (561) 297-2460
Office EE 315
Ph.D, 1979, Atmospheric Science, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
B.S., 1972, Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Research Interests
Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction
Boundary-Layer Meteorology
Upper Ocean Processes
Climate System Feedback Processes
Alternative/Renewable Energy Strategies
Recent Publications
Hanson, H.P., S.K. Skemp, G.M. Alsenas, and C.E. Coley, 2010: Power from the Florida Current: A new perspective on an old vision. Submitted to Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
Skemp, S.K., H.P. Hanson, and G.M. Alsenas, 2010: Toward an ocean-energy roadmap. Submitted to Oceanography.
Hanson, H.P., S.K. Skemp, L. Berry, G.M. Alsenas, and C.E. Coley, 2010: Open-ocean current challenges. Submitted to Oceanography.
Hanson, H.P., 2009: Diversified renewables. EnergyBiz, 6(4) 52
Elliott, S.M., and H.P. Hanson, 2003: Syndication of the earth system: The future of geoscience? Environmental Science and Policy 6, 457-463.
Hanson, H.P., 2003: Down from the ivory tower: Climate science faces the real world. TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, 3, 354-356.
Johnston, N.A.C., D.R. Blake, F.S. Rowland, S. Elliott, K.S. Lackner, H.J. Ziock, M.K. Dubey, H.P. Hanson, and S. Barr, 2003: Chemical transport modeling of potential atmospheric CO 2 sinks. Energy Conversion and Management, 44, 681-689.
Hanson, H.P., and S.M. Elliott, 2002: View from aFAR: Increasing Relevance of Climate Research. Directions in Science, 1, 33-37.
Hanson, H.P., 2002: Radiative destabilization in clear-sky cooling calculations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83, 111-112.
Elliott, S., K.S. Lackner, H.J. Ziock, M.K. Dubey, H.P. Hanson, S. Barr, N.A. Ciszkowski, and D.R. Blake, 2001: Compensation of atmospheric CO 2 buildup through engineered chemical sinkage. Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 1235-1238.
Hanson, H.P., M.M. Bradley, J.E. Bossert, R.R. Linn, and L.W. Younker, 2000: The potential and promise of physics-based wildfire simulation. Environmental Science and Policy, 3, 161-172.
Hanson, H.P. , 2000: Environmental science for Y2K and beyond. Environmental Science and Policy, 3, 3-4.