Russell Ivy, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Email ivy@fau.edu
Phone (561) 297-3295
Office SE 456A
Ph.D. in Geography (University of Florida) 1992
MA in Geography (University of Missouri) 1987
BA in Geography (University of Missouri) 1983
Research Interests
Transport Network Analysis
Economic and Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism
Urban Revitalization
Regional Development and Planning
GEA 2000: World Geography
GEO 4542: Tourism and Commercial Recreation
GEO 4700: Transportation and Spatial Organization
GEO 6608: Seminar in Urban Area Analysis
List of Theses and Dissertations Supervised
Recent Publications
“Historic Preservation and Tourism Development in Savannah, Georgia,” Grazer Schriften der Geographie und Raumforschung [Invited submission for special issue in honor of Dr. Friedrich Zimmermann], 2011, 46, pp. 189-200.
“Modeling Passenger Airline Fares in the U.S.: A Multivariate Regression and Trend Surface Analysis,” with H. Cordoba, Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences, 2011, 34, pp.93-101.
“Cultural and Spatial Perceptions of Miami’s Little Havana,” with H. Cordoba and M. Fadiman, The Florida Geographer, 2011, 42, pp. 4-33.
“The Transformation of Tourism Space and Image in Palm Springs, California,” Proceedings from Reinventing the Urban Image, 2004, pp. 39-51.
“Declining Contribution of Distance Traveled in the Construction of U.S. Airline Fares,” with J. Harlin, Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences, 2003, 26, pp.121-125.
“A Comparison of Air Fares, Travel Distance and Route Competition in the European Union and the USA,” with A. Fajardo, Papers in Global Aviation Business, 2002, 4, pp.12-17.
“The Changing Pattern of Air Transport Gateways Between Europe and the United States: 1971-2001,” Proceedings of the Conference on Atlantic Travel and Sustainable Tourism , 2002, p.52-68.
“Port Competition for Cargo Tonnage in the U.S. South,” with R. Witters, Southeastern Geographer, 2002, 42:1, pp.65-80.
“Networking Trends of Small Tourism Businesses in Post -Socialist Slovakia,” with C. Copp, Journal of Small Business Management, 2001, 39:4, pp.345-353.
“Geographical Variation in Alternative Tourism and Recreation Establishments,” Tourism Geographies, 2001, 3:3, pp.338-355.
“Exploring ‘Shadow’ Airports: A Comparison of the Fare and Traffic Dynamics of the Manchester, NH and Columbia, SC Airports,” Papers in Global Aviation Business, 2001, 3, pp. 20-24.
“From Mining Community to Seasonal Visitor Destination: The Transformation of Sotiras, Thasos, Greece,” with M. Caravelis, European Planning Studies, 2001, 9:2, pp.187-199.
“The Hierarchy of Air Transport in the European Union,” with D. Johns, Papers in Global Aviation Business, 2000, 2, pp.42-48. Excerpt/Summary from this paper was also published in Report from the Convention of European Economic Studies, 2000, pp 42-46.
Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism, contributed entries on the geography of Czechoslovakia, Lusatia and Burgenland, R. Frucht, editor, Garland Publishing, 2000.
“Tourism Patterns and Problems in East Central Europe,” with C. Copp, Tourism Geographies, 1999, 1:4, pp.425-442.
“Core and Peripheral Airlines in Europe: The Evolution of National Carriers in the Pan-European Air Space,” Papers from the Middle European Conference on Global Business, Entrepreneurship and Development,, 1998, 5, pp. 12-18.
“Demographic Efficiency of Elderly Migration to Florida,” with C. Schiavone, The Florida Geographer, 1998, 29, pp.65-79.
“Modeling for Health Care Planning: A Case Study of the Slovak Republic,” with C. Schiavone, Geograficke Studie, 1998, 5, pp.5-21.
“The Spatial Evolution of the Air Transport Networks of Communist/Post-Communist Europe,” Papers from the Middle European Conference on Global Business, Entrepreneurship and Development, 1997, 4, pp. 10-17.
“Entrepreneurial Strategies and Problems in Post-Communist Europe: A Survey of SMEs in Slovakia,” Journal of Small Business Management, 1997, 35:3, pp.93-97.
“Planning Strategies in Europe's Single Air Market: A Case Study of Austrian Airlines,” European Planning Studies, 1997, 5:1, pp.95-107.
“Transportation and Development in Central Florida: The Rise of Orlando in the Transport Hierarchy,” with M. Falasz and P. Palimino, chapter in Growth,Technology, Planning and Geographic Education in Central Florida: Images and Encounters, R. Oldakowski, L. Molina and B. Purdum, editors, 1997, National Council for Geographic Education, Indiana, PA, pp.50-58.
“Transition in the German Air Transport Space: The Integration of Lufthansa and Interflug,” Papers from the Middle European Conference on Global Business, Entrepreneurship and Development, 1996, 3, pp. 14-19.
“Small Scale Entrepreneurs and Private Sector Development in the Slovak Republic,” Journal of Small Business Management, 1996, 34:4, pp.77-83.
“Spatial and Economic Growth of a ‘New’ Border Town: The Case of Hainburg, Austria,” Papers from the Middle European Conference on Global Business, Entrepreneurship and Development, 1995, 2, pp. 7-15.
“The Restructuring of Air Transport Linkages in the New Europe,” The Professional Geographer, 1995, 47:3, pp.280-288.
“Changes in Air Service Connectivity and Employment,” with T. Fik and E. Malecki, Environment and Planning A, 1995, 27:2, pp.165-179.
“Airline Mergers and Their Effect on Network Structure,” with S. Shaw, Journal of_Transport Geography, 1994, 2:4, pp.234-246.
Entrepreneurship in the Nitra Okresy of the Slovak Republic, with J. Barath, 1994, Bound report prepared for and published by the Nitra Planning Council. [Report also translated into Slovak by J. Barath.]
“Variations in Hub Service in the U.S. Domestic Air Transportation Network,” Journal of Transport Geography, 1993, 1:4, pp.211-218.
“Assessing Changes in Air Service Connectivity in the U.S. Southeast: 1978-1992,” Southeastern Geographer, 1993, 33:2, pp.148-158.
“Trials of a Small City Airport: A Case Study of Gainesville,” The Florida Geographer, 1991, 25, pp.41-53.